Wednesday, May 27, 2009

memorial day weekend

this had to be the best memorial day weekend ever. I was finally able to get a job somewhere pouring wine. It happened to be for Zenith Vineyard which is located around (literally) St. Innocent winery. It was so much fun! All I had to do was to talk about wine and pour it into peoples' glasses. It's funny when you are the authoritative figure. I could tell people what it was they were tasting and they would actually get it! it was just good fun. not only that but I was able to taste a bunch of different wine too since I was off work at 4. that is a big change for me too. It was great being off work and still having some daylight! That is what allowed me and my girlfriend to go out and take some photos. I am not terribly excited about all of the photos but there are a few that were pretty cool. I think we found some cool spots though. I just didn't really like the composition of a lot of them, but at least its a good learning tool. (I don't want to blame the equipment either, but my lense blows). I am going to be taking (hopefully) a photography class this summer, which I think will help with my composition. anyway, here are some images from the weekend.

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